Thursday, March 17, 2011

Paddy's Day

It's hard to believe that two years ago I was in Ireland on this date. I was sitting on the couch at the 717, sick to my stomach with a horrible bladder infection, watching some bad television with the lads and watching them drink the nastiness wine known to mankind, Noblemen. It was also an experience I'll never forget. The feel of the sunshine outside, the smell of the apartment, the comfort of the lads as I laid feeling ill on the couch... Some experiences stay with you forever, and Ireland will always be that for me. It was something I did for me, which I don't think happens enough in my life. I'm usually running here or there for this person or that person and trying so hard to please the world. When will I stop and just focus on myself for a while?

I feel I am getting a bit better at it. I can recognize the warning signs of forgetting who I am... That has to count for something, right? We work and work at being a certain person and being seen a certain way, but never stop to take notice of who we actually are or what we stand for until its too late. I don't want to forget there are things I aim to be for my own self-worth: open-minded, intelligent, gentle, sweet, funny, self-sufficient.... It's the self-sufficent that I think I struggle with the most. But how uncommon is that really? As humans we try to find that one person to "complete" us, but I feel like that's a bunch of crap. Whey can't we complete ourselves and find someone who compliments the greatness that is us?

So all in all I guess I do have a New Year's Resolution: Find who I am and be great at being me.

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