Sunday, May 15, 2011

No one knows my pain... like Curt Kobain

So another note to that person who shall remain nameless....

I saw you on Friday for the first time since we last spoke. I know you saw me. I know it hurt you. It had to. How could it not? It was killing me, walking around talking to people like you weren't there, pretending I wasn't upset by your being there. What a joke. I hated it. I hated that I couldn't just walk up to you and give you a friendly hug or tell you the things that have been going on in my world. It felt wrong. I miss my friend.

I know what you said too. What you said about me and feeling bad about me. I don't know what it means, I don't know if I want to know what it means, but there it is now. You should feel bad because if I am feeling this horrible day in and day out, then it's only fair that you are as well.

You didn't have to run away, then or Friday. I talked to your friend at bar close, and he was so nice to me that I thought my heart would break. I didn't deserve that. But then again, I don't know what I deserve anymore...