Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Light...

After the upset and tears that was yesterday, a good friend and coworker wrote this on my facebook and helped turn me all around:

"Don't forget your friend Robert Frost, Two roads diverged in the woods, and I-- I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference. You're young, there is plenty of time to find that clear path! Enjoy this time of wandering about, you'll miss it someday."

She reminded me that I am young. I have plenty of time to look around and take things in. There shouldn't have to be a rush on my career, my relationship, my life until I am ready for those things to take root. She reminded me of one of my most favorite works by one of my most favorite authors - someone I will always love and admire - Mr. Robert Frost. Two roads diverge in a woods - which will I take? The one less travelled by might not be as easy or readily rewarding, but then again, I haven't backed down from a challenge yet.

When I was rejected from the arts journal on campus last year, I resubmitted, came back and won their poetry award. When I thought all hope was lost at my job, I gritted my teeth and told my boss how I really felt, and things are getting better.

So don't worry, Mr. Frost. I got this, the road less travelled by, and it will make all the difference.

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