Monday, May 24, 2010

Heat Wave.

I'm not kidding - it has been a Heat Wave of epic proporations in the greater Fox River area the last two days. Ranging anywhere from 84 - 90 degrees and humid as hell. It doesn't help that my car lacks a working A/C and my window unit, no matter how high I have it blasting, does not cool my room down at all. It's in the kitchen which leaves a good 20 feet or more plus it has to navigate a curve. So basically just the kitchen and part of the living room are bareable. I might be sleeping on the futon tonight... We'll see.

I'm recently obsessed with playing Mario Kart on Jamie's Wii. It's so fun! Some of the more difficult levels are real lip-biters but it's a fun way to spend the afternoon, especially when going outside is a sure fire way to melt immediately. My favorite player: Toad. He's so cute and small!

Today I bought my John Hughes' Inspired Notebook. It is really cute with some pretty flower design on the front and a tiny bee. It has an elastic band to keep it closed and is just the right size to carry around in my monster of a purse. I'm excited to start jotting down random thoughts during the day; now if only I could remember to stick the darn thing in my bag when I leave the house. I also bought a book that my favorite author, Sarah Dessen, spoke about on her blog. It's called "Mrs. Darcy and the Blue-Eyed Stranger": A collection of short stories by a writer named Lee Smith. I started reading some of it and she has an interesting writing style. Mostly description and telling - not so much dialogue so far. I'm only a few pages in though so we'll see how I like it. Hopefully I will since I'm sick of re-reading all my same old books laying around here. They are wonderful books but I can only read the same story so many times. I digress. The first story in Mrs. Darcy is about a woman going through a divorce. Semi-interesting. Again, we shall see. (The magic words of today.)

Tomorrow I hope to go to the driving range again. It proved to be fun last week and a good workout on my arms so I hope its not too terribly humid to go. So sick of sweating!

Good night, world.

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