Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sex, the city, & salad

So, what's been going on? Not a whole lot. I am a bit in shock and awe of the fact that I caught some VH1 show about celebs who dropped a bunch of weight. At one point (after 8 kids), Marie Osmond weighed 165 - and this is a crime? I weigh 155 on some days ... and I have no kids. This made me feel so down on myself that I came home and ate a salad and grapes for lunch then contemplated puking - JK! Well, about the puking part. The salad however did actually happen.

Now I'm watching "Sex and the City" dvds and getting all psyched for the 2nd movie which comes out soon! I cannot wait! I am also looking forward to "Letters to Juliet," because I'm a big dork. I haven't been to a good chick flick in far too long. I'm so glad Becky and Laurie and Hannah are all home within the same time frame - GIRL TIME!!! On that note, it seems like the summer is shaping up to be very busy. I have Han's wedding, Jamie's friend's wedding, my aunt is getting married, and Amanda is getting married in August. Then I also am working on my exercise routine, and I just started actual work on my Me Scrapebook. I have lots of great paper and stickers but I need lots more yet. I also need to make copies of the baby pictures, colorguard, high school, dance pictures, so that I don't ruin the originals chopping them up and gluing them all over the place. Ahhhh! I'll be so happy when it's done and I do enjoy doing it, but sometimes I wonder why I start these projects. To drive myself crazy - surely!

I wish I could get as inspired with my writing as I have been with my silly scrapebook project. I got an AB in my writing workshop - which is awesome and makes me happy. I think I actually am inspired by so many things around me, but I just get so overwhelmed by the idea of sitting and writing a whole novel or novella or whatever, that I don't even try. Maybe it's about time I conquered my fear. My favorite author, Sarah Dessen, wrote on her website that in order to stay completely enveloped in your writing, you need to try to write a little each day. I should really work that routine into my life along with my fun workout routines - ha! Fun workout = oxymoron.

Until another brainfart....

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