Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A sea of worries

I'm awash with worry the last two days. It began with a night of tossing and turning and ended with my spending last night at Jamie's to avoid curling up in a ball on my bed in fear. There have been many scary arrests being made VERY near my house and its gotten a bit out of hand. All this makes me think, "Why should I be scared? What is meant to be is going to happen no matter where I live, what I do to defend myself, etc. I should just man up." Then the other part of my body screams, "Are you kidding!? Get out while you still can!!" For now, I'm going to tough it out. There's not much else I can do with a limited college kid income.

In other happier news, I was named the new Chief Copy Editor for the Sheepshead Review Journal of the Arts. It's bittersweet to me though. I just spent 6 semesters editing a newspaper and now I'm going to be doing some more editing. Don't get me wrong, I will love it. Part of me just wishes I could get away from all the editing and do something else for a while. It'll look great on my resume though so can't complain too much :) The Sheepshead Journal is a beautiful, fun publication and I'm so proud to be a part of it.

This morning I am sitting on Jamie's couch watching "Gilmore Girls" and oddly enough, contemplating baby names. No, I am not pregnant nor do I want to be. I was just discussing baby names with my pregnant co-worker last week and it got me thinking about it. I would seriously consider naming one of my daughters after a Gilmore character. I like Lane and Lorelei. Those are my picks. My other baby name hopefuls for girls are as follows:
1. Penelope Joyce *Joyce is a family name
2. Harper Lorelei
3. Claire Pearl *Pearl is a family name
4. Thisbe Lane (Pronounced Thiz-bee - a Shakespeare character)

For boys... (Note: not as many as girls because I am bad at boy names)
1. Milo Jay
2. Caleb Daniel *Daniel a family name
3. Leo (middle name unknown)

So now that I got all that out of my mind and down in writing, time to move on from maternal instincts.

Grad schools.... *sigh* Time to start thinking long term. God, help me.


  1. I like your baby names! :) Congrats of the editor position!

  2. Okay, seriously? Milo is my favorite boy's name. I guess now we just have to race each other to see who gets knocked up first so we can get dibs on the name Milo :D

  3. Damn you, Erica. Your odds of getting preggars are way better than mine with the whole engagement... crap.
