Wednesday, June 9, 2010


1. Grilled corn-on-the-cob, burgers, and hot dogs on a nice summer day = heaven! Jamie and I did a spur-of-the-moment cookout today which was amazingly delicious. Now I just have to force myself to do Pilates tonight so I don't feel so guilty about the extra butter on my corn. Eeeeek!

2. I'm currently trying to tackle 4 books simultaneously - all recommended by close friends. First is "Lucky" by Alice Sebold, which is an amazingly graphic memoir about her college experience of being raped and everything that followed. It is very intense, and the book I am furthest in. Then there's Kurt Vonnegaut's "Slaughterhouse Five" which I, as an English major, feel obligated to read because of all this hooey that Vonnegaut is a literary God figure (We shall see.) I am only about 5 pages into that one. Next is "Go Ask Alice," written by Anonymous. I've been told by several people to read this one in the past and am now just getting around to it. It's written in a diary format as the book is actually based on real-life events. So far I'm about 25 pages in, and although the main character has a strong voice, I am having a hard time getting into the diary format. I need scenes, story, plot, characters, dialogue. It's what has been engraved into my literary heart for a long time. Lastly is another memoir recommended by my drag queen friend, Matt/Myranda. It's called "I am not myself these days." It's apparently about a 7 year span of the author's life when he was living in New York working the drag queen scene at night and advertising in day light. I've been told it's hilarious! I just haven't started it yet seeing as how Matt/Myranda gave it to me yesterday.

3. With all this reading, I feel I almost forgot to mention my new found love of Mario Kart on Wii. I am seriously addicted. When I am at Jamie's, it's only a matter of time before I say, "Can we play Mario Kart now?!" while saliva drips down my face.... Ok maybe not literally, but metaphorically there is saliva.

4. I still have my notebook that I bought at B&N a few weeks ago. I've written in it a few times but continuously forget to stick it in my purse when I run from the house in a panic (I am late for everything recently!) I hope I can still get myself into the habit of writing constantly.

5. Since I could potentially piss off many people by saying this next thing, I'll make the point quick and short. I don't understand the interest in the show, "Glee." I've seen a few episodes and each one is even more stomach churning than the last. It's like "7th Heaven" with music. Too Mickey Mouse club on crack for my taste. Sorry, Glee Fans!

That is all. Back to work tomorrow. *Sigh* A week off spoiled me....

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